In Step Studio World Dance Our purpose is to promote understanding of cultures from around the world through dance, exercise, and music. Halimeda's Costuming Oasis with blue letters and palm tree

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Troupe Arabesque entrance on stage with fan veils
Troupe Arabesque Performing at Experience Asia 2023

*****All MENAHT, Hula and Music information combined on one site: Halimeda's Oasis****

In Step STudio, In DBA Halimeda's Oasis Classes information and costuming. Scroll down the home page for all schedules. Or select the menu option: Classes for more detail and a way to purchase dance cards / pay for classes.

Halimeda's Oasis costuming shop was added in 2001.
The shop carries a variety of quality, unique hand made and imported items. There are several wonderful seamstresses providing hand made and unique items for MENAT dance, Hawaiian dance, Renn Faire events and Pirate Festivals. We love making affordable custom costuming for troupes; let us know what you need.

To receive updates on classes, workshops and performances by e-mail, send an email to Nancy Redig (aka Halimeda) Email addresses will not be shared and you can opt out at any time..

Your privacy is important. In Step Studio and Halimeda's Oasis do not collect any financial information. Our credit card providers are etsy, Square and PayPal. Each has its own policy and we do not retain card information. We do retain addresses for shipping information; we rarely send snail mail general information. Halimeda's Oasis does retain email addresses from customers that chose to share theirs with us. We provide a news letter only to those that have asked and anyone can opt out at any time. Halimeda's Oasis/In Step Studio retain phone numbers for those customers that call for information; we only return calls when requested and do not do "cold" calls. Halimeda's Oasis/In Step Studio do not send text messages unless a question is asked and we only answer that question.

For more information on classes or performances, please send e-mail to Halimeda / Nancy Redig and add the studio name to the subject line.

Please send comments on this site to Webmaster and please add the studio name to the subject line. This will separate your inquiry from the tons of SPAM sent to the studio.

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